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Basic knowledge of export tax rebate

Release Time:2023-10-12Views:360

1. Definition of export tax rebate

Export tax refund: the full name of export goods refund (exemption) tax, refers to the international trade business, the goods declared for export in China in the domestic production links and circulation links in accordance with the tax law to pay value-added tax and consumption tax, that is, the export link tax exemption and refund of the previous tax links have paid tax.

It is a tax measure commonly adopted in international trade and accepted by countries to encourage fair competition in export goods. The implementation of export tax refund policy has played an important role in supporting and encouraging the development of China's foreign export trade.


2. Categories of export tax rebates

The tax for export goods refund (exemption) mainly includes VAT and consumption tax.

China ’s“ Interim Regulations on VAT ”stipulates that“ taxpayers export their goods with zero tax rate ”;“ Interim Regulations on Consumption Tax ”stipulates that“ taxable consumer tax payables for taxpayers export taxes are exempt from consumption tax ”.

The "Export Cargo Retreat (Exempted) Tax Management Measures (Trial)" stipulates that exporters' self -employed or entrusted goods, in addition to other regulations, can be exported to the goods declaration and the financial accounting. The National Taxation Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the tax authorities) is sent to the local tax bureau to approve the refund or levy its value -added tax and consumption tax.


3. Types of export tax rebates

Export tax rebate, export exemption and export taxation are the three main types of export tax rebate.


4. Basic policies for export tax refunds

4.1 Export tax exemption and refund policy (both exemption and refund). It is a tax exemption for the export sales process of this channel, and a refund of the input tax amount in the pre export procurement process, that is, a zero tax rate is implemented for exported goods. The country follows the basic principle of "refund as much as collected" and "complete refund if not collected".

4.2 Export tax exemption but no refund policy (only exemption but no refund). It means exempting value-added tax on export sales, but there will be no refund of input tax on purchase.

① The pre purchase process of exported goods is duty-free, so the input tax that can be deducted is not included in the price of the goods during export, so there is no need for tax refunds.

② Special goods that are not eligible for tax refund as stipulated by the state.

4.3 Policy of no tax exemption or refund for exports (no exemption or refund). The export process is treated as domestic sales, and taxes are levied as usual, also known as the export tax policy, which applies to goods restricted or prohibited by the state for export.


5. Four conditions for export tax refund

5.1. Goods must be within the scope of value-added tax and consumption tax collection;

5.2. Goods must be declared for departure;

5.3. Goods must be sold in financial terms;

5.4. Goods must be exported and have been verified.


6. Export value-added tax refund (exemption) method - "exemption, offset, refund"

The concepts of "exemption, offset, and refund" in the "exemption, offset, and refund" tax and "exemption and refund" tax methods are as follows:

“Exemption "refers to the exemption of value-added tax on the production and sales of goods and services exported by production enterprises; The goods and services exported by foreign trade enterprises are exempt from value-added tax in the sales process;

"Offset" refers to the input tax amount that should be refunded for raw materials, components, and other materials used in the export of goods and services by the production enterprise, offsetting the tax payable for domestic sales of goods;

"Refund" refers to the tax refund for goods and services exported by a production enterprise that has not been fully offset due to the input tax amount that should be offset being greater than the taxable amount during the current period, and is approved by the competent tax refund authority; The corresponding input tax amount of foreign trade enterprises shall be refunded upon approval by the competent tax refund authority.


7. Operation process of export tax rebate

7.1. First get the verification form online, log in to the system, enter the system, select export collection, and finally select the verification form to apply.

7.2. After receiving the verification form, follow the above operation to apply for the e-port IC card, as well as the above letter of introduction, after receiving these two things, you can go to the Administration of Foreign Exchange to get it.

7.3. The next step is the most important step, which is to stop the record of the write-off, log in to the system according to the above instructions to select export collection, and finally select the port for record.

7.4. Go through the customs formalities

(1) You can find a freight forwarder and inform them of the final location, weight and time of the export. They will give a quotation according to the company.

(2) Stamp the official seal on the letter of authorization for the preparation of export goods to the forwarder.

(3) Make packing with the freight forwarder, and dock with them to determine when to leave the ship.

(4) All the relevant information must be reported to the freight forwarder.

(5) Freight forwarder to customs declaration.

(6) The packing list should be filled in at the original scheduled time.

(7) Under normal circumstances, it will be shipped out after 2 to 3 days of packing.

(8) Within 2 to 3 days after the ship, the freight forwarder will pass to the company's ocean bill of lading.

(9) The forwarder will send the company the customs declaration documents 40 days after the declaration.